Let's face it. We all use Megavideo to watch videos, movies, etc. Whether or not this is a good thing is another debate, but I find it incredibly annoying that the 72 minute time limit exists, and in some cases I do not agree with it. Although a lot of people abuse it by uploading episodes of TV serials, and Anime episodes, it also blocks people from watching legitimate videos, such as Public Domain documentaries, and other public stuff. Even creating an account does not cancel it. You have to purchase a premium account to get actual content. At first I tolerated it, but then it got on my nerves, and I did some investigating, and I found that a lot of people have already suggested bypasses for it. In fact, I also did a How-To about it in this blog in the past. But now, I've figured out how to do it better.

The first thing you have to do is download Cacaoweb.

Then after that, you ought to download the Firefox or Chrome extension: Illimitux.

Now, whenever you open up a Megavideo link, you will see a notification asking if you would like to bypass the time-limit in the bottom-right corner of the webpage. Just click the link, and voila! You will be on your way in watching the show. You can use Cacaoweb without the extension, but if you do you won't get the pop-up. The only way to use it will be to open the Cacaoweb application directly, which will then open a web-page where you can dump the Megavideo link directly.

Please note: if you use Illimitux, you will need to sign up for an account.

How does this happen? Well, it essentially integrates the video into a separate network that produces a publishing IP, this is never 'received' as all communication from this IP is outgoing, so you are technically asking for the server to send video, and it's sending it back via an open port, but the IP is technically not receiving data, therefore you're creating an open loop, essentially discounting the time-limit.

Once you install the above, you won't have any time-limits to Megavideo links. How you use this power is up to you.